Instructional design librarian
General nature of the position:
Encourages information literacy using face to face interaction with students, faculty, staff, and visitors and using technology and instructional design.
Participates in campus and library assessment committees, develops assessment methods for decision making.
Works with classroom faculty to encourage information literacy/collection development in connection to the assigned areas.
Skills required:
*ability to provide information literacy instruction and library reference assistance in a variety of settings and to a diverse population.
*Proficient use of technology for managing the library and for classroom instruction.
*Effective communication skills both oral and written.
*Able to work independently and cooperatively with others.
*Knowledge of instructional design principles for face-to-face and online environments.
*Ability to create effective instruction, to evaluate effective web tools, and to teach others how to use them effectively.
*Knowledge of principles, methods, and current developments in instructional design *Knowledge of effective instructional strategies and techniques
*Knowledge of principles, methods, and current developments in academic librarianship
I do feel that I have the skills required to be an instructional design librarian since this is the field where I am seeking my degree.
Graphic Artist
General nature of the position: The graphic artist will design, illustrate, and complete layouts for print media including brochures, pamphlets, books, posters, and other promotional and informational materials. The candidate will develop visual identity packages for customers. The candidate will also develop multimedia and presentation graphic projects for the web to include streaming video, animation, and digital audio elements. The candidate will create and integrate new graphics and 2-D animation products. The candidate will improve existing graphics and presentation products. The candidate will work in a multi-level secure environment producing creative work to support customer business startups, electronic presentations, and program briefings. The candidate must work well in a team environment, be highly motivated, and be capable of keeping up with current emerging applications and technologies.
Skills required:
*Excellent communication skills
*Storyboarding expertise
*Expert knowledge of Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft PowerPoint. *Knowledge of Macromedia Flash and HTML editing software such as Macromedia Dreamweaver is a plus.
* Well versed in print production and the ordering of ancillary products for trade shows and customer events.
*A working knowledge of industry standard operating systems, software, and hardware.
*Be able to identify, research, and recommend software and hardware for use in producing graphics and multimedia products.
*At least 2 years experience in technical graphic production, WWW, and design.
*Must provide a portfolio demonstrating artistic ingenuity and creativity, and electronic samples of multimedia designs.
I have some of these skills but certainly not the two years experience required for this job.
Instructional Media Specialist (IMS) II
General nature of the position: The IMS II interfaces as an instructional and technical support consultant for online courses. The IMS II coordinates with professors and instructional designers to produce instructional media elements to aid the conversion of classroom courses into an online learning environment. After courses are established, the IMS II manages the online program by coordinating course updates, revisions, and faculty needs to enhance the program. The IMS II will also assist in creating the course and managing student enrollment. The IMS II provides technical support to faculty and students to ensure that the program functions successfully.
Skills required:
*Expertise with design and media development tools, such as Adobe Acrobat, Flash, Captivate, graphic editing software, and HTML.
*Experience with Learning Management (LMS) and Learning Content Management Systems(LCMS).
*Strong aesthetic, design composition, and typographic abilities.
*Excellent teamwork, communication, and organizational skills
*Must be technologically independent and able to work as part of a virtual team.
*Must be able to collaborate with others across varying time zones and cultural orientations.
*Strong analytical and researching skills
*Bachelor’s degree in minimum in education, Interactive Media Design, technology or related field.
*Remain current with and have a clear understanding of the latest tools and trends in online education and instructional media.
I would need to hone my skills for the job of IMS II. Also, I am not always “technologically independent” although I am improving everyday.
2. Self assessment results
I was relieved to see that I ranked high in the technology section which is a monumental improvement from when I first began taking online courses. I also found that I showed strengths in oral presentation, writing, speaking, and instruction which I can attribute to being a classroom teacher. I also scored high in collaboration and time management.
My weak area showed up in the equipment department but I feel confident that more hand-on experiences would remedy that.
Self assessments are interesting because they show areas of strength as well as areas that one needs to “brush up”. I did not select a particular job interest, but there was the option to do so, and then the results could show possible job positions that I would be well suited for.
I think a self assessment is a good way to begin a job search. One of the other sites I visited that was very helpful was
This site did not offer a self assessment, however there were some very helpful tips on giving PowerPoint presentations. I have this site bookmarked for future reference. Check it out and see what you think!
3. Professional websites
Professional organizations:
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

Discount on AACE conference registrations and proceedings, discount subscriptions to additional AACE journals, full access to the Career Center and Job Board, and all the benefits of AACE Membership.
$35.00 for Student Membership – includes subscription to one AACE print journal, full online access to all back issues of selected journal, online subscription to the AACE Journal, discount on AACE conference registration and proceedings, discount subscriptions to additional AACE journals, full access to the Career Center and Job Board, and all the benefits of AACE Membership.
Note: Other packages are available at the website.
AACE Journal
International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL)
Jrl. of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH)
Jrl. of Computers in Math and Science Teaching (JCMST)
Jrl. of Interactive Learning Research (JILR)
Jrl. of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE)
EdITLib-Education and Info. Tech. Library (electronic)
Conferences and meetings:
Global Conference on Technology, Innovation, Media & Education
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference
World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, &Telecommunications
World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education
Social networking via website,
Blog -
Facebook -
Twitter -
Professional development
Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) mission of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology is to provide international leadership by promoting scholarship and best practices in the creation, use, and management of technologies for effective teaching and learning in a wide range of settings
Goals:• Define the disciplines and professional activities that comprise the field of educational communications and technology.• Serve and represent professionals in the field and support professional growth.• Advance scholarship and practice that contribute to and enlarge the knowledge base of the field.• Promote policies that ensure the humane and ethical use of educational communications and technology at all levels, from the personal through the international.
Cost of membership:
$400.00 for corporate membership
$125.00 for regular membership
$ 60.00 for retired membership
$ 75.00 for student membership
Note: Other packages are available at the website.
Educational Technology Research and Development
TechTrends - Linking Research and Practice to Improve Learning
Instructional Science
Learning and Instructional Technologies for the 21st Century
Educational Technology Research and Development
Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning
Educational Technology: A Definition with Commentary
Distance Education: Definition and Glossary of Terms
Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology
Note: There are other publications available at the website.
Conferences and meetings:
AECT International Convention
AECT in SecondLife
Opportunities for professional development:
AECT offer email services (AECT ListServs) that provide professional development and support. These services are available to AECT members only through subscription.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Mission: to ensure that technology empowers educators to help more students achieve their full potential. ISTE advances excellence in learning and teaching through innovative and effective uses of technology. ISTE is the premier membership association for educators and education leaders engaged in improving learning and teaching by advancing the effective use of technology in PK-12 and teacher education.
Cost of membership:
United States Members Premium Membership: $215Standard Membership: $95Retired Educator Membership: $59Student Membership: $39
Non- U.S. MembersPremium Membership: $290Standard Membership: $120Retired Educator Membership: $84 Online: $49
Web 2.0: How-to For Educators
Learning and Leading with Technology
Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE)
Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education (JDLTE)
Journal for Computing Teachers (JCT)
Conferences and meetings: ISTE Annual Conference
Opportunities for professional development:
Professional development services grounded in National Educational Technology Standards (NETS).
ISTE Learning - an anytime, anywhere online community for professional development. Educators can sample free concepts, buy resources, and exchange creative ideas. This space provides relevant learning experiences in multiple formats to strengthen the teaching experience and grow digital literacy.
JHU/ISTE Online School Administration Certificate
Webinar sessions for professional development
Professional publications
Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE)
Focus/Goals of the journal: to examine and explore the future horizons of technology developments. The Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE) publishes articles that report on original research, system or project descriptions and evaluations, syntheses of the literature, assessments of the state of the art, and theoretical or conceptual positions that relate to the field of educational technology in teaching and learning.
Submission guidelines: Submission of manuscripts that pertain to instructional uses of technology, including the planning, management, operation, and evaluation of educational technology, is encouraged. Please note that for original research, we normally expect to see an explanation of the research questions, description of the methods employed, analysis used, and recommendations for implementation and further research. JRTE’s acceptance rate is approximately 15%.”
Length. Manuscripts should be between 4,000 and 8,000 words including an abstract of approximately 100 words, a listing of four or five keywords useful in indexing the manuscript, an e-mail address and brief biographical statement for each author, and a list of references. (see more details on the website…)
Style. ISTE uses the American Psychological Association’s Publication Manual (5th ed.) style guide. (see website for more details.)
Format. Manuscripts should be submitted as e-mail attachments in rich text format (RTF). (see website for more details.)
Review. Copies of the manuscript, if deemed appropriate for the journal, will be sent to at least two members of the Editorial Review Board for critical review, comment, and recommendation. (see website for more details).
Send submissions to Andra Brichacek at Further information on submissions can be found at [add shortcut + link]. Download the submission guidelines (PDF). (see above website for more details.)
Peer reviewed? – YES
Available online? – YES
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH)
Focus/Goals of the journal: “Designed to provide a multi-disciplinary forum to present and discuss research, development and applications of multimedia and hypermedia in education. The main goal of the Journal is to contribute to the advancement of the theory and practice of learning and teaching using these powerful and promising technological tools that allow the integration of images, sound, text, and data.”
Submission guidelines:
Journal content may include research papers, case studies, tutorials, courseware experiences, evaluations, review papers, and viewpoints.
General guidelines: Material must be original, scientifically accurate, and in good form editorially. The format should follow APA style. (see more details at the website:
Preview: Manuscripts sent to the Editor for review are accepted on a voluntary basis from authors. Before submitting an article, please review the following suggestions. Manuscripts received in correct form serve to expedite the processing and prompt reviewing for early publication. (see above website for more details.)
Pre-publication: No manuscript will be considered which has already been published or is being considered by another journal.
Copyright: These journals are copyrighted by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Material published and so copyrighted may not be published elsewhere without the written permission of AACE.
More details on submission requirements are available at the above website.
Peer-reviewed? YES
Available online?
Journal of Interactive Online Learning (JIOL)
Focus/Goals of the journal: focuses on providing a venue for manuscripts, critical essays, and reviews that encompass disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives in regards to issues related to higher-level learning outcomes.
Provide a forum for the dissemination of research on interactive online education
Disseminate ideas that enhance the practical aspects of interactive online education
Further knowledge and understanding of emerging innovations in online education
Foster debate about the use and application of online education
Submission guidelines:
Submissions from all disciplines, as well as from interdisciplinary perspectives, are welcome, if manuscripts conform to basic journal goals. Each submission is rigorously refereed using a double-blind peer review process with reviewers from relevant disciplines. Issue submission deadlines will be published here on the JIOL website.
1. All manuscripts must be written in English. Submit in Microsoft Word .doc format.
2. All submissions must conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA 6th ed.). Pay special attention to the following items:
o Make sure that ALL of your references adhere to APA 6th ed. format. If there are multiple mistakes in your manuscript, it will be returned to you for re-submission.
o If there are multiple in-text citations cited within parenthesis, please make sure these citations are alphabetized.
o Page numbers along with a running head should appear in the top, right hand corner of the manuscript (use the header/footer feature in Word).
o Provide a title page including authors’ names, contact author, and Running head (author information is removed for peer review).
o Please make sure that all tables are constructed using APA 6th edition and are placed appropriately within the text of the manuscript.
o Include an abstract of 200 words or less.
o Font: Times New Roman, size 12 font
o Double-Space your manuscript. Do not add additional spaces anywhere.
o Make sure that you use standard 1 inch margins (left/right/top/bottom)
o Insert author bios of no more than 50 words at the end of the manuscript. Follow the style used in the journal.
o If graphics are used, use .gif or .jpg file formats and embed in text. In some cases, journal editors may request that graphics be sent separately as email attachments.
o Recommended manuscript length is 1500 to 5000 words, excluding references.
3. It is your responsibility to make sure any work you cite in the text has detailed authorship information in the reference section of the manuscript. Be sure to confirm that you have correctly cited this information.
4. Material must be original, accurate, in good form editorially, and not under consideration with another journal.
5. The e-mail message transmitting the manuscript to the journal for consideration must confirm the following:
o This manuscript has not been submitted or published all or in part elsewhere.
o The author(s) will give copyright to the journal if the manuscript is accepted and published by the journal.
All submissions must complete and include the JIOL Author Submission Checklist (PDF) when submitting a manuscript for review
Please submit your manuscript as a file attachment
Where to find issues of JIOLEach issue will be made publicly available at:
Authorship Information
A brief autobiography of the author(s) should be included on the last page of the manuscript. This will be detached before sending on to reviewers in order to facilitate the blind review process. Include full name(s) and title(s), and such information as academic background, research interests, current position, and full contact details (e-mail address, postal address, telephone, and fax numbers). Any references that identify author(s) must be removed from manuscript text before submission.
The Journal of Interactive Online Learning will retain the copyright of all published items.
The journal editors will contact you upon manuscript receipt. Every effort will be made to complete the blind review process within six to eight weeks.
Peer reviewed? YES
Available online? YES
Active memberships to organizations and focused reading of journals are key components for continuing my professional development. The information I gain from these sources can help me in making informed decisions in my professional career. Another advantage of using organizations and journals is the opportunity to connect with other professionals in my field for support, insight, and new perspectives.
As I researched the organizations and journals, I was only vaguely aware of a few of them. I had no idea there are so many! I have been concerned about how I would stay abreast of cutting edge technology and trends once I graduate from college. However, I am relieved to find that there is a wealth of resources available through these organizations and journals.
4. Performance technologist
If I were responsible for identifying the domains, competencies, and performance statements for a performance technologist one element I would include would be honesty and integrity. I feel that if an individual exhibits honesty and integrity in every facet of daily life, that individual will usually have respect for any task s/he is called upon to perform and will perform that task to the best of their ability. If an employee would walk in honesty and integrity there would be no issues with the “don’ts” that are stated in ibstpi’s “Responsibility for ethical conduct”. A person of honesty and integrity would not violet ethics, would not make false promises, would not make false claims, would not falsify data, would not take credit for another’s work, and would not use information for personal gain. Number seven and ten under “1988 ibstpi Social mandates & values of PT” in Tabel 27.6 of our text do indeed include the terms “honesty” and “integrity”.
Another element I would include in the competencies would be 100% participation on the job. I would include this in order to encourage employees to committ 100% of themselves into their job performance during the work hours. IF they would do this, they would not be texting, emailing, twittering, facebooking, blogging, gaming, or talking on their cells concerning issues that are not related to their job responsibilities. If employees gave 100% into their job responsibilities and also exhibited the honesty and integrity I addressed previously, they would always be on time to work, they would use sick days only for being truly sick, and they would stay on task throughout the entire workday. Number fourteen vaguely addresses commitment to the job.
Another element I would include in the competencies for humane performance would be magnanimity. I would encourage employees to stretch themselves to be as magnanimous as possible by listening to the ideas of others, by withholding harsh words when disagreeing, to strive to show respect to all employees equally and maintain a cooperative working environment.
The last element I would add to the human performance competencies is creativity and perfection. I would want to encourage every employee to step out of their comfort zones and reach for the stars on being creative on the job and achieving excellence on a daily basis. I think this would promote a sense of self accomplishment and satisfaction that humans have a tendency to experience when they believe they have done a job well – that is, a feeling of self worth. Positive intrinsic emotions will benefit the company/organization as well as the employees.
Having said all of this, I believe that companies, organizations, and school districts should offer extrinsic rewards to employees for impressive human performance. It is human nature for individuals or groups to appreciate and enjoy gestures of acknowledgement when they have displayed quality work. I think rewards are often missing in the work environment particularly in school districts. Certainly humans should not perform solely for the sake of receiving rewards and recognition, but receiving some positive attention once in a while can definitely boost the moral of the employees, which in turn has a positive effect on the atmosphere of the work environment.
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